Shoki 0.3.0 User's Guide

Table of Contents


Shoki is known to compile and run on OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Linux on x86. With the exception of the GUI, it has also been tested on OpenBSD/SPARC, linux/SPARC and linux/AXP.

Relative paths that appear in the instructions in this document are relative to the top of the shoki source tree. So if the source is in /usr/local/src/shoki-0.3.0 , then the file ./misc/foo would be /usr/local/src/shoki-0.3.0/misc/foo .

This documentation refers to shoki version 0.3.0. Users of other versions should consult the documentation accompanying the source code of those releases.

1. General Administration

1.1 Overview

The short version of the installation instructions:

1.2 Dependancies

1.2.1 Required Libraries

The following third-party libraries and applications are needed to successfully compile shoki:
libpcap (
Libpcap is included with many OS distributions. Starting with shoki 0.3.0, you need a version of libpcap more recent than libpcap 0.7.2. As of the time of this writing, that means you have to use libpcap-0.8.1 or libpcap-current. This is required because of an error in 0.7.2 (and some earlier releases) that causes bus errors on SPARC64, as well as a memory leak in the pcap filter compiler.
flex and yacc (
Flex (a lex(1) replacement) and yacc are available for virtually all UNIX-like environments. They are included with many OS distributions, including all of the ones shoki is known to compile on. Flex is needed (rather than lex) for support of the -P flag.
zlib (
Zlib is included in many OS distributions.

1.2.2 Optional Libraries

The following third-party libraries are needed to enable some of shoki's features (noted below):
fftw 2.x (
FFTW (the Fastest Fourier Transform in the West) is a math library for doing FFTs (Fast Fourier Transforms)
Needed for: hustler(1)
jabberd 2.x (
loudmouth (
Jabber is an open instant messaging protocol, and loudmouth is a Jabber client library in C. Shoki can send alerts via Jabber (so an analyst can receive alerts in their IM client). Needed for: shoki_sez(8)
gtk 2.x (
GTK+ is a toolkit for programming GUIs.
Needed for: hustler(1)
gtkglext 1.x (
gtkglext is an extension to GTK+ that allows OpenGL rendering in GTK widgets.
Needed for: hustler(1)
Nessus (
Nessus is a free remote vulnerability scanner. Shoki can import Nessus reports and use the vulnerability to evaluate the criticality of certain kinds of events.
Postgresql (
DBD::Pg (
Postgres is used for all the database functions of shoki. If you do not have Postgres you will still be able to collect and categorise network traffic data, but most of the aggregation and correlation functionality of shoki will be unavailable.
Note that postgresql must have OpenSSL support in order to work with the default configuration of shoki.
Needed for: Database logging support
PCRE is the Perl Compatible Regular Expression library, a regex library with syntax and semantics similar to Perl 5's.
Use of pcre is optional. If pcre support is compiled in, all widgets that support regex searches (in filter rules) will also support pcre search expressions.
OpenSSH (
rsync (
OpenSSH and rsync are used to collect data from the sensors for centralised analysis. If you're planning on using the default shoki data collection model, you'll need both.
RRDtool (
RRDtool databases are used to store derived anomaly data (raw data is stored in the Postgres database)

1.3 Installation

1.3.1 Creating a shoki user

Shoki assumes that you'll be running most of the components that handle raw data in a chroot(1) jail as an unprivileged user. By default, that user name is `shoki'. If you want to call this user something else or want shoki to run as an exisiting user (i.e., `nobody'), you'll have to edit ./ and change the values for IDSUSER and IDSGRP appropriately.

Otherwise, just create a `shoki' user and group and proceed.

If you're going to be using Postgres for logging (and you should), you will need to add the postgres user to the shoki group.

Note that some of the scripts (the ones that access the database) will be installed setuid to the shoki user. If you're using the defaults this should be safe: a separate shoki user which owns nothing else; all the components installed in their own directory (/usr/local/shoki by default); no world read or execute permissions. If you change any of these defaults, you may wish to consider removing the setuid bit from the scripts cve2shoki, nessus2shoki, reporter, sid2shoki, and syslog2shoki. The names of these scripts, along with a warning, will be displayed during a make install.

1.3.2 Running the configure script

By default, the configure script will assume that you wish to build none of the widgets that rely on optional libraries. This means that the defaults chosen by just doing a:

# ./configure

...will probably work out correctly for the sensor machines.

The (interesting) options for the configure script are:

Specify a non-default location for libpcap. May be necessary if your OS has an older version of libpcap (in which case you'll have to compile a newer version and point configure at it with this option)
Enable FFTW support. This is only needed for the hustler(1) widget. Consult the Dependancies section above more more details.
Enable GTK+ support. This is needed to compile the hustler(1) widget. Consult the Dependancies section above more more details.
Enable PCRE support. Allows PCRE search expressions in SEARCH filter rules. Consult the Dependancies section above more more details.
Enable Postgres support. If you're expecting to do full-blown intrusion detection with shoki, you'll want to pass this flag to the configure script (at least on the aggregator/analysis machine(s)). Consult the Dependancies section above more more details.
Enable loudmouth support. Loudmouth is a Jabber client library, used by shoki to send alerts to IM clients. This is needed to compile the shoki_sez(8) widget. Consult the Dependancies section above more more details.

1.3.3 Running make

There are a couple of make targets of interested, presented in the order in which they should normally be invoked:

Compile everything
make test
Run several standard test cases through the newly compiled binaries. If any of the tests fail, it should give the of a file containing the output of the test. Consult this file for additional details about the cause of the failure(s).
The number of tests will depend on the options passed to the configure script, so don't be surprised if make test produces different output on the sensor machines than it produces on the aggregator machine.
make install
Installs the binaries, setting their permissions. This will not overwrite existing config files except /etc/shoki.conf , which will be backed up as /etc/shoki.conf.old and then overwritten.
make chroot
Sets up a chroot jail for the shoki widgets to run in. This should work correctly for OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and Linux. If you're not using one of these OSes, consult the ./misc/ script for an example of what needs to be done. The process is pretty straightforward; shoki doesn't need much to run.
If you work out the requirements for other OSes, please send the details to for inclusion in future releases.
make db
This will create the shoki database, set up the necessary tables, and create the stored procedures and functions needed to allow the shoki widgets to log to Postgres.
The Postgres commands used to set up the database will be saved to a file (/usr/local/shoki/tmp/shoki_db.psql by default), and the output of the process will be saved to another file (/usr/local/shoki/tmp/shoki_db.log). Consult them for details if there are any errors.

1.3.4 Setting up the database

Shoki allows you to log data directly to a Postgres database. It has been tested with Postgres 7.3.x and 7.4.x, and should work with any version of Postgres that supports the same connector API (as defined in libpq-fe.h).

In addition to Postgres and the shoki source, you will need the perl DBI amd DBD::Pg modules (available from for some of the scripts.

Before doing a make db, you'll need to have Postgres installed and configured. Information on how to accomplish this can be found at the Postgres homepage: . Alternately, the Postgres packages distributed with many OSes (i.e., OpenBSD, FreeBSD, and various linux distributions) should work without additional tweaking (mod what's described below).

Once that's done, make sure the path to the postgres libraries is in your link path (i.e., invoke ldconfig(8) as appropriate for your OS or set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH).

If you want to be able to import data from a shoki lexer(1) running in a chroot jail (and this is the default behaviour), you'll have to tweak your Postgres configuration slightly. You'll also have to set up the shoki chroot jail itself, which is covered elsewhere (doing a make chroot should take care of it on the supported platforms). By default, the shoki widgets will attempt to connect to the database over a local socket. If you want to run the lexer in a chroot jail, that means the local socket will have to be present in the jail.

The most straightforward way to accomplish this is to edit your postgresql.conf file (which is in your PGDATA directory, /usr/local/pgsql/data by default). Edit the unix_socket_directory variable to point to the tmp directory in your shoki chroot directory. By default, shoki installs into /usr/local/shoki, and sets up a chroot jail in /usr/local/shoki/chroot, so if you haven't changed any of those settings, you want to add a line to your postgresql.conf that looks like:

     unix_socket_directory = '/usr/local/shoki/chroot/tmp'

You may also want to link this back to /tmp (so Postgres applications like psql(1) can see the local socket). You'll have to restart Postgres before it will use the new socket.

This of course assumes that you'll be running all the widgets that need to talk to the database on the database machine itself. If this is not the case, you will have to set up Postgres to use SSL. Consult the Postgres documentation for more documentation on how to do this (it is covered in Section 16.7 of the Postgres 7.4 manual).

If you wish to disable the use of SSL for database connections, you can define add the disable_dbssl directive to any shoki widget config file to prevent that widget from requiring SSL. Disabling encryption of database connections is strongly discouraged.

1.4 Configuration

1.4.1 Configuring the aggregator

This section assumes that you're accepting all of the defaults for installation paths, usernames, database names, and table names. In other words, it assumes that you haven't hand-edited shoki.conf to change any of these things.

In addition, it is assumed that you've already configured the Postgres database, done a make db to set it up for use with shoki, and that it is currently running and ready.

Finally, it is assumed that if you need to make any firewall/filter/ACL changes to allow your aggregator machine to ssh to your sensor machine(s), you've already taken care of them.

Run the ./misc/ script
This creates a ssh key for use with shoki. It also writes a sample ssh authorized_keys file for use on the sensor machines. You may have to tweak the hostname in the "from=" portion of the file; the host name (or address) should be whatever the sensor machine(s) will see the aggregator as. You may also wish to add the full path to the rsync(1) binary to the "command=" declaration.
Add the name of each sensor to the sensor_list file
By default, this file is /usr/local/shoki/etc/sensor_list . The fully qualified domain names of the sensor machines should be added, one per line.
Set up the sensor machines
See section 1.4.2 below.
Manually run the collector script
By default, this script is /usr/local/shoki/bin/collector. It should be run by hand to verify that the aggregator can talk to the sensor machines. If you run into any errors, you'll want to take care of them before continuing.
Set up cron jobs
Assuming the default install paths:
*/11  *  *  *  *    /usr/local/shoki/bin/collector > /dev/null 2>&1
*/5  *  *  *  *     /usr/local/shoki/bin/importer > /dev/null 2>&1
*/6  *  *  *  *     /usr/local/shoki/bin/reporter > /dev/null 2>&1
*/7  *  *  *  *     /usr/local/shoki/bin/archiver > /dev/null 2>&1
*/8  *  *  *  *     /usr/local/shoki/bin/generate_html > /dev/null 2>&1
The collector script uses rsync(1) to collect data from the sensors listed in the sensor_list file. By default, the new dumpfiles from each sensor will be copied into a directory called /usr/local/shoki/central/SENSOR/queue where SENSOR is the fully-qualified domain name of the sensor.
The importer script uses lexer(1) to populate the events table of the shoki database. This is where most of the simple signature-based NIDS stuff happens. By default, it will also populate the counts table, which is used to compute anomaly scores. Each dumpfile will be moved from the queue directory to /usr/local/shoki/central/SENSOR/lexed upon successful completion, or /usr/local/shoki/central/SENSOR/corrupt if there are any errors.
The reporter script checks the events and alerts table for new events, reports them, and then marks them as old. It also writes new events to an rrdtool database (which tracks the total number of events per second and the unique number of events per second).
The archiver script invokes the ac2rrdtool script to compute and graph anomaly scores. When it is done, it moves dumpfiles from the lexed directory to the /usr/local/central/SENSOR/archive directory.
The generate_html script invokes the rrdtool2graph script, the features script, and the overview script. These create the content for the HTML overview pages. By default, the output of these scripts will end up in /usr/local/shoki/html.
The comments at the top of each of these scripts contain more information about the inner workings of each script.

1.4.2 Configuring the sensors

Copy the authorized_keys.sample file created above by ./misc/ over to the sensor machine and save it as ~shoki/.ssh/authorized_keys
Remember that the .ssh directory and its contents should have the same UID and GID as the shoki user, and neither the directory nor the contents should be world accessable.
Consult the ssh documentation for more details about the correct permissions on the .ssh files if you have any questions.
Set up cron jobs for the sensor.init, sorter, and rewriter scripts
Assuming the default paths:
3,18,33,48  *  *  *  *          /usr/local/shoki/etc/sensor.init restart > /dev/null 2>&1
0,15,30,45  *  *  *  *          /usr/local/shoki/bin/sorter > /dev/null 2>&1
5,20,35,50  *  *  *  *          /usr/local/shoki/bin/rewriter > /dev/null 2>&1
The sensor.init script line will cause the sensor dumpfiles to be rotated every 15 minutes.
The sorter script moves closed dumpfiles from their default location (/usr/local/shoki/chroot/dumps) to the directory where the rewriter script will find them (/usr/local/shoki/logs).
The rewriter script runs through the dumpfiles and conducts policy-based rewriting on their contents. This is done to reduce the size of the dumpfiles, which are then copied into the /usr/local/shoki/queue directory where they will subsequently be collected by the aggregator machine.
Set up an init script to run sensor.init at boot time.
On OSes that use rc.local (or something similar), you just need to add a couple of lines like:
if [ -f /usr/local/shoki/etc/sensor.init ]; then
        /usr/local/shoki/etc/sensor.init start
On OSes that use individual init scripts, you can use the sensor.init script itself.

1.4.3 Adding third-party data Obtaining passive fingerprint files

The shoki library contains logic (borrowed from the p0f project) for passive fingerprinting of TCP data. This allows shoki to determine (or attempt to determine) a number of facts about the source of TCP traffic---like operating system, uptime, and distance (in number of hops), for example.

In order for this to work, you'll have to obtain copies of the fingerprint files from the p0f project. To do so, you'd do something like:

        # cd /usr/local/shoki/etc
        # wget
        # wget
        # vi fp.conf
(uncommenting the syn_fingerprints and syn_ack_fingerprints lines)

As of the time of this writing, there's a single fingerprint which isn't parsable by shoki (it appears to be a typo in the fingerprint file), on line 584 of p0f.fp . If you run the fp(1) widget and it complains about a syntax error, just comment out the offending line. Importing CVE/CAN vulnerability data

One of the first things you should do after getting shoki installed is to import the CVE/CAN data into the vulnerabilities table of the shoki database. The cve2shoki script is provided to do this for you, and the script contains comments outlining how to obtain and import the relevant files. That process works something like this:

        # wget
        # /usr/local/shoki/bin/cve2shoki -f ./full-cve.csv
        # wget
        # /usr/local/shoki/bin/cve2shoki -f ./full-can.csv

If you don't have wget(1), you'll have to download the CSV files via your favourite web browser.

The only `gotchas' in this process is that the cve2shoki script is, by default, installed setuid to the shoki UID and the script has to be run on the machine that's running the postgres database. So the CSV files have to be readable by the shoki user, and they have to be on the database machine. Importing Nessus scan data

Shoki uses the CVE/CAN data to identify events involving attacks against assets which are vulnerable to the attempted exploits. In order for this to work, the shoki assets table must contain vulnerability data for the assets the analyst is concerned about monitoring. A script (nessus2shoki) is provided to import asset vulnerability data from Nessus reports.

Just run Nessus against the assets you want to monitor (consult the Nessus documentation if you need help doing this) and output the report in NBE format (which is the default report format). Then run nessus2shoki with the report as input. If you saved the report in /usr/local/shoki/tmp/nessus_report.nbe , then you'd run:

        # /usr/local/shoki/bin/nessus2shoki -f \

Like the cve2shoki script, the input file needs to be readable by the shoki user, and the script needs to be run on the database machine. Converting Snort rules for use with shoki

Shoki isn't distributed with any attack signatures, and that's unlikely to change. Folks who want to run shoki with hundreds and hundreds of signatures therefore need to get 'em somewhere else.

In the interests of satisfying signature-count fetishists, shoki provides a snort2shoki, a script for converting snort signatures for use with shoki. An example of how to use it (use your favourite web browser if you don't have wget(1)):

        # mkdir /usr/local/shoki/conf/snort
        # cd /usr/local/shoki/tmp
        # wget
        # tar -zxf snortrules-stable.tar.gz
        # /usr/local/shoki/bin/snort2shoki -d /usr/local/shoki/tmp/rules \
                -W /usr/local/shoki/conf/snort
        # rm -rf /usr/local/shoki/tmp/rules
        # rm snortrules-stable.tar.gz

Having done this, you need to uncomment the line in /usr/local/shoki/conf/lexer_filterlist.conf that contains snort_converted.conf .

You -will- want to verify the converted rules by runningtest data. There will almost certainly be some conversion errors. I.e., from the top of the shoki source tree, you can try:

        # /usr/local/shoki/bin/lexer -L - -r ./test/test_dump.gz \
                -F /usr/local/shoki/conf/snort/snort_converted.conf

...which will run the converted rules against the test data included in the shoki distribution.

If lexer(1) generates errors, you'll have to either edit the offending rules by hand or comment them out. Most of these errors will probably be caused by the presence of variables in snort rules. I.e., you might get an error like:

        ERROR:  compiling filter SHELLCODERULES978: \
                "ip and (dst port $shellcode_ports)"

The `SHELLCODERULES978' string is an unique filter ID and can be used to identify the offending signature. In this case all the signatures in /usr/local/shoki/conf/snort/snort_shellcode.rules contain the variable, so you probably want to either comment the snort_shellcode.rules line out of snort_converted.conf or do a global search and replace in your favourite editor to twiddle the lines containing `$shellcode_ports' to your liking. Converting old shoki rules to the new format

If you have shoki signatures in the old (pre-0.3.0) format and want to use them with shoki 0.3.0 or later, you can convert them with the old2new script.

If the filter list you want to convert is called /usr/local/shoki/conf/parser_local.conf and you want to save the converted rules to /usr/local/shoki/conf/lexer_converted.conf:

     # /usr/local/shoki/bin/old2new -f /usr/local/shoki/conf/parser_local.conf > \

In general, the filters should be converted with no problems: the old and new formats are structurally different, but by and large the current functionality is a superset of the old functionality. You may nevertheless want to hand-verify the new filter list before using it in production.

1.4.4 Setting up alert notifications

There are four mechanisms for alert notification built into shoki: logging to a file, logging via syslog(2), email, and jabber. Logging alerts to a file

To enable logging to a flat text log file, simply set the ALERT_LOG variable in /etc/shoki.conf. New alerts will be appended to the specified file, which will be created if it doesn't already exist.

If the ALERT_LOG variable is commented out, no log file will be used.

Output will look something like:

[Tue Feb 24 18:51:45 2004] 1193  25/02/04 02:51:16 Doctrine Foo 2003-10-02 22:43:28-07 -> 6 (INFO)

In this example:

[Tue Feb 24 18:51:45 2004]
This timestamp is the time the alert was written to the logfile.
This is the alert number, which is a unique sequence number. This comes straight from the alerts table of the shoki database.
25/02/04 02:51:16
This is the timestamp of the alert itself. This is the time the alert was inserted into the alerts table of the shoki database. This is generally going to generated by ooda(8).
Doctrine Foo 2003-10-02 22:43:28-07 -> 6
This is the text of the alert. The timestamp here is the timestamp of the stimulus event which triggered the alert. Typically, this will be the time on the event as reported by dlex(8), but the text of the alert is actually inserted into the alerts table by ooda(8).
This is the severity level of the alert. For most alerts, this will be the severity level defined in the doctrine which generated the alert. Logging alerts via syslog(2)

To enable logging via syslog(2), set the SYSLOG_FACILITY variable in /etc/shoki.conf to a valid syslog(2) facility. New alerts will be logged via syslog(2) to the given facility with the ALERT log level.

If the SYSLOG_FACILITY variable is commented out, no alerts will be logged via syslog(2).

Output will look something like:

Feb 24 18:51:45 schadenfreude shoki_alerts[11054]: 1193  25/02/04 02:51:16 Doctrine Foo 2003-10-02 22:43:28-07 -> 6 (INFO)

In this example:

Feb 24 18:51:45 schadenfreude shoki_alerts[11054]:
This is the stuff added by syslogd(8) itself. Note that by default, shoki widgets will use the process name shoki_alerts when logging alerts, independent of the actual process name of the reporting widget. This is done to make alert aggregation easier.
The timestamp here is the time the alert was submitted via syslog(2).
The rest of the format is the same as that described in the section above. Email alerts

Alert notification via email is handled by the reporter script on the aggregator. In order to enable this notification method, you'll have to do two things:

Add recipients to the EMAIL variable in /etc/shoki.conf
You may wish to edit ./ in the shoki source tree before running ./configure and doing a make install (which convert ./ to ./shoki.conf and copy it to /etc/shoki.conf, respectively). Otherwise you'll have to re-edit /etc/shoki.conf every time you do a make install.
The format of the EMAIL variable is documented in the config file itself. It's either a single email address, or a double quoted, space-delimited list of email addresses.
Add the same recipients' GPG key to the shoki user's keyring
Consult the GPG documentation for how to do this. Short version: as the shoki user, do a gpg --import on all the recipients' public keys.
Note that if the EMAIL variable points to a single address (i.e., a mailing list), all of the people who want to be able to read the alert notifications will have to share the same GPG key. If all this key is used for is encrypting the alert emails (and the encryption is understood to be in place to prevent eavesdropping on the email in transit), this is probably safe.
Alternately, if you don't care if the alerts are sent in the clear, you can just edit the reporter script to send the email without encrypting it first. Jabber alerts

If you have a jabber 2.x server (or are willing to set one up), you can use shoki_sez(8) to send alert notifications via the jabber protocol to your IM client. In order to do this, you'll have to:

Set up a jabber 2.x server
Consult for details on how to accomplish this.
Create a shoki_sez user
Consult your jabber server documentation for information on how to do this.
Add access controls for the shoki_sez user
THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are no access controls built into shoki_sez(8). This means you want to configure the shoki_sez user to only accept messages from specific users. Once again, consult the jabber server documentation on how to accomplish this.
In gaim(1) you can log on as the shoki_sez user, select Privacy under the Tools menu, change Allow all users to contact me to Allow only the users below, and then manually enter the IM IDs of all the analysts who should be allowed to have access to the alert data.
Edit /usr/local/shoki/etc/shoki_sez.conf
You'll want to define/check the values of the variables:
Start up shoki_sez(8)
By default, it will fork and run in the background.
You may want to set up a script to start shoki_sez(8) at boot time.

1.5 Status Monitoring

1.5.1 lsevents(1)

1.5.2 lsalerts(1)

2. Development

2.1 Writing Filters

The best, most up-to-date information about writing shoki filters is usually the shoki.filters(5) manpage. It should give a complete listing of all the options supported by the version of shoki it came with. It generally also has examples of filters using most of the common options.

The information in this document is intended to be more of a tutorial for writing shoki filters. If you've never written shoki filters before, this is probably what you want. If you're just interested in a quick reference for the shoki filter rule format, consult the shoki.filters(5) manpage instead.

2.1.1 Writing a simple filter

Let's take a look at a very simple shoki filter rule:

	id = "FOO1";
	name = "Simple IP filter";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "ip";

Note that non-quoted whitespace is ignored, so this is equivalent to:

filter { id = "FOO1"; name = "Simple IP filter"; action = LOG; pcap = "ip"; };

This filter will match all IP packets. Let's go through it piece by piece.

filter { };
All filters are of this general form: the word `filter', a bunch of filter stuff (which we'll cover in more detail below) enclosed in curly braces, and a semicolon at the end.
id = "FOO1";
This sets the filter's unique ID to the literal FOO1. This is used almost entirely for disambiguation: whenever shoki needs to identify a specific filter, it will use the filter's ID. Every filter is required to have an ID.
This also shows the basic format of filter options: the name of the option, an equal sign, the value you're setting for the option, then a semicolon. In general, whenever you're setting a alphanumeric value the argument should be in double quotes. For more details, consult the shoki.filters(5) manpage.
name = "Simple IP filter";
The filter name is the human-readable message that will be associated with packets matching this filter. If you ran this filter against a bunch of data using lexer(1), for example, it would log the message "Simple IP filter" for each IP packet.
action = LOG;
This sets the action taken when this filter matches. In general, you'll probably write LOG rules (which just match a pcap expression) and SEARCH rules (which match both a pcap expression and one or more search expressions).
Note that there are no double quotes around the action.
pcap = "ip";
This defines the pcap expression for the filter. Any valid pcap expression is acceptable. In this example (and any other filter with the LOG action), matching the pcap expression will cause the filter to match.

Let's try running this filter against some test data. Open up your favourite editor, type in this filter, and then save it to a file (i.e., /tmp/sample.conf). Then, from the top of the shoki source tree, type:

# lexer -r test/test_dump.gz -L - -F /tmp/sample.conf | head

The output should be:

Simple IP filter 975745794.459135 -> 1
Simple IP filter 975745794.459171 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.459182 -> 1
Simple IP filter 975745794.459208 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540598 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540626 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540638 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540648 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540671 -> 6
Simple IP filter 975745794.540683 -> 6

The default output format for lexer(1) is: filter name, timestamp, source address, source port, destination address, destination port, IP protocol. The src_ip:sport > dst_ip:dport ip_proto data is sometimes (somewhat misleadingly) called the `IP quad'. At any rate, matching all IP packets isn't terribly interesting, so let's edit our filter to be:

	id = "FOO2";
	name = "Simple port filter";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "ip and port 45951";

Running the lexer with this filter on the same data will output:

Simple Port filter 975745794.459171 -> 6
Simple Port filter 975745794.459208 -> 6

2.1.2 A more practical example

Consider a simple DMZ consisting of a mail server, a DNS server, and a web server:


We'll ignore the NIDS box and the firewall for the time being; we're just going to worry about writing filters for traffic involving the three servers. Let's go ahead an list some information about each of the servers:

SMTP server
IP address:
Open ports: 25/TCP
Notes: This machine should allow incoming and outgoing mail to any other host
DNS server
IP address:
Open ports: 53/TCP (see Notes below), 53/UDP
Notes: This machine should allow DNS zone transfers from two other DNS servers whose IP addresses are and It should allow incoming and outgoing DNS queries to any host.
HTTP server
IP address:
Open ports: 80/TCP
Notes: This machine should allow incoming web traffic from any host

Let's consider web server first. If all it's doing is serving web pages, it should never see any traffic that isn't on port 80 (we'll ignore administrative traffic---i.e., ssh---for this example). In addition, since the web server is the only machine in the DMZ listening on port 80, it's they only host that should see any traffic on this port. These two facts form the basis for a pretty good starting point for a set of NIDS filter rules.

First, we'll write a rule that matches all traffic directed at the web server that isn't on port 80:

	id = "DMZWEB01";
	name = "Non-HTTP traffic to web server";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "dst host and not (tcp and dst port 80)";
	severity = WARNING;

The ID is just an arbitrary (but unique) identifier for the filter. It doesn't really have to be human-readable, but it helps to have some sort of pattern to your filter IDs. The name is intended to human readable; remember that it's what will be reported when the filter is matched. The action is LOG, which means a match of the pcap expression is a match of this filter. The pcap expression is just that: a vanilla pcap expression.

Setting the severity to WARNING is a judgement call. The default severity is INFO, so this filter will generate events of greater-than-default severity. The rationale is that this filter is targetted: it reflects something meaningful about the underlying structure of the network. Depending on how you're handling events on the back end, tweaking event severity may or may not make sense. We'll look at event processing in greater detail later.

If the pcap expression doesn't make sense to you, consult the tcpdump(1) manpage for more details about pcap expression syntax. If anything else in the filter doesn't make sense, consult the shoki.filters(5) manpage.

To implement our second rule (web traffic to any host beside the web server):

	id = "DMZWEB02";
	name = "HTTP traffic to non-web server";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "(dst net mask and
	(not host and tcp and (dst port 80)";
	severity = WARNING;

We add the (dst net mask so we won't catch any outbound web traffic. Otherwise, there's nothing clever going on here; it's just meat 'n potatoes pcap in a shoki filter.

Moving on to the mail server, we can obviously set up analogous rules:

	id = "DMZMAIL01";
	name = "Non-SMTP traffic to MTA";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "dst host and not (tcp and dst port 25)";
	severity = WARNING;

	id = "DMZMAIL02";
	name = "SMTP traffic to non-MTA";
	action = LOG:
	pcap = "(dst net mask and
	(not host and tcp and (dst port 25)";
	severity = WARNING;

Nothing new so far. But if we ran a bunch of traffic through these filter rules, we'd probably notice a whole lot of traffic to port 113 getting caught by the first rule (DMZMAIL01). Since ident traffic is pretty innocuous, we'll want to tweak our rules to accomodate it. So let's get rid of DMZMAIL01 and replace it with two new rules:

	id = "DMZMAIL01A";
	name = "Non-SMTP traffic to MTA";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "dst host and (not tcp and dst port 25)
	and (not dst port 113)";
	severity = WARNING;

	id = "DMZMAIL01B";
	name = "ident traffic to MTA";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "dst host and (dst port 113)";
	severity = DEBUG;

The second rule is really just presented for completeness. In reality, you probably would want to keep the first rule (DMZMAIL01A) and ditch the second (DMZMAIL01B). Alternately, you could add the second rule and configure widgets like lexer(1) to only log events of INFO or higher priority by default. This would allow you to run lexer(1) by hand with different arguments to catch these events (i.e., if you're trying to debug a problem or some such).

Finally, let's turn our attention to the DNS server. At this point, you should know everything you need to know in order to work the rules out for yourself. Really, the only complications in any of the filters we've looked at so far are in the pcap expressions, not in anything that's really shoki-specific. Anyway, here is one way to write the DNS server rules:

	id = "DMZDNS01";
	name = "Non-DNS traffic to DNS server";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "dst host and not (udp and port 53)
	and not (tcp and dst port 53 and (src host or
	src host";
	severity = WARNING;

	id = "DMZDNS02";
	name = "DNS traffic to non-DNS server";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "(dst net mask and (not host
	and (dst port 53) and (udp or tcp)";
	severity = WARNING;

2.1.3 Miscellaneous filter examples

So far all we've looked at are LOG filter rules. Since LOG match (or don't) entirely on the basis of the filter's pcap expression, all the filters we've looked so far have been based on header information; the data segment of the packets are completely ignored.

This is not cooincidental; shoki is strongly biased toward traffic analysis rather than content inspection. That being said, shoki filters offer powerful mechanisms for examining the packet contents. These mechanisms involve the SEARCH action, and literal, hex, regex, and optionally PCRE search expressions. Here are some examples, with brief explanations:

Match TCP packets containing the literal string foobar:

	id = "EX2A";
	name = "Example 2a (TCP search)";
	action = SEARCH;
	literal = "foobar";
	pcap = "tcp";

Match TCP packets to port 80 containing the hex literal 485454502f312e31:

	id = "EX2B";
	name = "Example 2b (TCP hex search)";
	action = SEARCH;
	hex = "485454502f312e31";
	pcap = "tcp and dst port 80";

Match TCP packets to ports 80 and 443 containing http:// or https://:

	id = "EX2C";
	name = "Example 2c (TCP regex search)";
	action = SEARCH;
	regex = "http[s]*://";
	pcap = "tcp and (dst port 80 or dst port 443)";

In addition, shoki filters can use the THRESHOLD and SCAN actions which will match when multiple packets matching the given criteria are seen. Some examples:

Match when five (5) TCP packets with only the SYN flag set are seen within three (3) seconds:

	id = "EX3";
	name = "Example 3 (SYN threshold)";
	pcap = "tcp[13] == 2";
	action = THRESHOLD;
	threshold = 5;
	duration = 3;

Match when TCP or UDP packets with seven (7) different destination ports are directed at within four (4) seconds:

	name = "Example 4 (Port scan)";
	id = "EX4";
	pcap = "(tcp or udp) and dst host";
	action = SCAN;
	scan_field = "TH_DPORT";
	threshold = 7;
	duration = 4;

Finally, we can write filter which match TCP or IP options. For example, here's a filter which matches TCP packet with the MAXSEG, SACK_OK, and TCPOPT_TS TCP option set (in that order):

	name = "Example 5 (TCP options)";
	id = "EX5";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "tcp";
	tcp_options = "MAXSEG;SACK_OK;TCPOPT_TS";

All of the examples in this section are straight from the shoki.filters(5) manpage. This manpage is a comprehensive guide to the filter syntax, and it includes many details not covered in this tutorial.

2.2 Writing Doctrines

So far, all the filters we've seen have involved single packets or (in the case of SCAN and THRESHOLD filters) small groups of similar packets.

That's pretty much the limit to what you can do with simple filters. To test for more elaborate traffic patterns, you'll have to use other means. One of the mechanisms shoki provides for advanced pattern matching involves expressions called doctrines. Think of doctrines as sets of rules for generating dynamic filter expressions on the fly, based on characteristics of input traffic.

2.2.1 A simple doctrine

Let's consider a specific example to get a feel for how doctrines work. Imagine that you're seeing a large volume of ICMP packets on one of your networks. Looking more closely at the traffic, you discover that there are a large number of ICMP type 3 (UNREACHable) errors, and that many of the encapsulated IP headers do not correspond to any traffic that actually originated on your network. In other words, you're seeing ICMP errors for attempted connections that you didn't make. This, incidentally, probably means that someone is sending spoofed traffic with source IPs that you own.

To set up shoki to report this sort of behaviour, we'll first need to write a standard shoki filter rule to catch the ICMP packets. This is straighforward:

	name = "ICMP type 3 (UNREACHable)";
	action = LOG;
	pcap = "icmp[icmptype] == 3";

None of this should be new. Testing for the rest of the conditions---that a packet corresponding to the encapsulated IP header in the ICMP error message was not sent---is trickier. Indeed, this is something that you cannot accomplish using the standard shoki filter logic (or the filter logic of most NIDS, for that matter). The way we accomplish it is by writing a simple shoki doctrine:

	doctrine_name = "ICMP test doctrine";
	doctrine_id = "DOCICMP01";
	doctrine_window = 10.0;
		id = "DOCICMP01-01";
		name = "Missing ICMP UNREACH stimulus packet";
		backfield = "id";
		backref = "ICMPUNREACH";
		pcap = "src host ICMP_ESRC and dst host ICMP_EDST";
		action = INVERSE;

Looking at the individual components of the doctrine:

doctrine { };
This is the general form of the doctrine declaration; analogous to a filter declaration.
doctrine_name = "ICMP test doctrine";
This is just a human-readable label for the doctrine. Note that this is not necessarily what is logged when the doctrine matches. Indeed, in the present example, it is not. This will be discussed in more detail in the following section.
doctrine_id = "DOCICMP01";
A unique identifier for the doctrine. Follows the same rules as filter IDs.
doctrine_window = 10.0;
Defines a duration (in seconds) over which all the doctrine conditions must be satisfied in order for the doctrine to match.
filter = { };
With a couple of exceptions, the syntax of a filter within a doctrine is the same as a normal shoki filter expression. Consult the shoki.doctrine(5) manpage for details on the differences. For the present example, the differences are discussed below.
id = "DOCICMP01-01";
name = "Missing ICMP UNREACH stimulus packet";
The declarations define a unique ID and name for this filter, just as they would in a normal filter expression.
backfield = "id";
backref = "ICMPUNREACH";
These two declarations define backward reference criteria for this filter. In this case, the filter references packets which match the filter with the unique id ICMPUNREACH (which is the filter we defined above).
The backward reference determines which packets will be used as input into this filter. In this case, only packets matching our ICMPUNREACH filter will be passed to this doctrine filter (DOCICMP-01).
pcap = "src host ICMP_ESRC and dst host ICMP_EDST";
This is the interesting bit. This defines the pcap expression for this filter. The tokens ICMP_ESRC and ICMP_EDST will be replaced by the source IP address and destination IP address (respectively) from the IP header encapsulated in the ICMP error messages passed as input to this filter.
In the general case, the tokens which appear in the pcap expression of a doctrine filter will be replaced by the corresponding values from the packets passed to the filter by the backward reference criteria. A list of valid tokens is given in the shoki.doctrine(5) manpage.
action = INVERSE;
The INVERSE action is a standard shoki filter action (although one we have not previously seen in this manual). It causes the filter to match when no packets matching the filter expression are found in the input data. In this example, that means this filter will match if no packets matching the pcap expression are found.
This signifies that doctrine will match when this filter is matched. This isn't terribly interesting in a doctrine with one filter. It will probably make more sense when we look at more complex doctrines in a bit.

2.2.2 A more complex example

Back in early 2000 DDoS attacks were all the rage. At the time, Dave Dittrich wrote a tool called dds which scanned for three popular DDos agents (trinoo, TFN, and stacheldraht). The scanner generated three packets per destination address:

Let's look at a doctrine that will match this traffic:

        id = "DDS01-1";
        name = "DDS gesundheit packet";
        action = SEARCH;
        literal = "gesundheit!";
        pcap = "icmp[icmptype] == 0";

        doctrine_name = "DDS scanner";
        doctrine_id = "DOCDDS01";
        doctrine_window = 10.0;
                id = "DOCDDS01-01";
                name = "DDS ICMP packet";
                backfield = "id";
                backref = "DDS01-1";
                pcap = "(icmp[icmptype] == 0) and (src host IP_SRC) and
                        (ip[4:2] == IP_ID + 1)";
                action = LOG;
                id = "DOCDDS01-02";
                name = "DDS UDP packet";
                backfield = "id";
                backref = "DOCDDS01-01";
                pcap = "udp and (src host IP_SRC) and (ip[4:2] == IP_ID + 1)
                        and (ip[2:2] == 39)";
                action = LOG;

There are a couple of things worth noting here:

The log_dname directive specifies that the doctrine name should be logged when the doctrine matches. By default, the name of the last matching filter is used instead. In this case, that means that any alerts this doctrine produces will include the text DDS scanner (the doctrine name) instead of DDS UDP packet (the name of the only terminal filter rule).
Notice that the first filter (DOCDDS01-01) does not contain a terminal declaration. This means that no alert will be generated if this filter matches; the only result of such a match will be a new filter being written to the doctrine_filters table of the database.
The second filter (DOCDDS01-02) does contain the a terminal declaration. As a result, an alert will be logged whenever this filter is matched.

Note that the example above is a complete, valid doctrine file. I.e., you could save it to a file /usr/local/shoki/conf/dds.doctrine, then add the following line to both the /usr/local/shoki/conf/ooda_doctrine.conf and /usr/local/shoki/conf/lexer_filterlist.conf:

     include /usr/local/shoki/conf/dds.doctrine

You could also append the input filter (DDS01-1) to another filter list read by lexer(1), leave it out of the dds.doctrine file, and only include the doctrine file from ooda_doctrine.conf.

The point here is that lexer(1) needs to see the input filter (DDS01-1 in this example), but ooda(8) does not. Conversely, ooda(8) needs to see the doctrine declaration, but lexer(1) does not.

In general, it's probably a good idea to include filters in the doctrine file if the only thing they're used for is input into the doctrine. If they're used for other things (i.e., if they're standard attack signatures), then they should probably be added to wherever you keep your other attack signatures (i.e., /usr/local/shoki/conf/lexer_local.conf).

2.2.3 Some notes on the underlying mechanism

The doctrine logic involves three moving parts: the ooda(8) widget, the dlex(8) widget, and the postgres database. Without going into all the details, the process works something like this:

At startup, ooda(8) reads a list of doctrines from /usr/local/shoki/conf/ooda_doctrine.conf
It then listens to the events table of the shoki database.
When new events are added, ooda(8) compares them to its doctrine rules. If an event matches a terminal rule, ooda(8) writes an alert to the alerts table. If the matching rule is a nonterminal, a new filter will be written to the doctrine_filters table (the new filter content will be dictated by the pcap declaration of the doctrine rule).
At startup, dlex(8) listens to the doctrine_filters table of the shoki database.
When new filters are added, dlex(8) runs the filters against any relevant dumpfiles listed in the dumpfiles table of the database. Matching packets will be logged to the events table.

This is obviously an iterative process: ooda(8) reading events, writing doctrine_filters; dlex(8) reading doctrine_filters and writing events.

Appendix A: Nomenclature

This section defines various special terms used throughout the shoki documentation.

The centralised server to which data (i.e., packet dumps) are copied. This is also where most of the shoki widgets live: lexer(1), ooda(8), dlex(8), and most of the sh/perl scripts.
An alert is, structurally, a discrete hunk of information that shoki will attempt to bring to the attention of the analyst. In shoki, alerts get written to the alerts table in the shoki database. From there, they are collected by alerter widgets (e.g. shoki_sez(8)), which in turn notify the analyst (i.e., in email or via the Jabber protocol).
Conceptually, an alert is (or should be) an indication that some high-level condition exists. I.e., a host has been compromised or an attack is in progress.
Compare `event', below.
The process(-es) by which low-level events are used to infer the existence of higher-level conditions. Looking at a raw data stream and noticing a packet matching some signature foo is not analysis (in this usage of the term). Correlating an inbound packet matching foo with a new outbound connection to the source of the packet matching foo is.
In shoki, most of the (automated) analysis is done by ooda(8), using rules enunciated in doctrine files.
The consumer of the information output by shoki.
A resource, typically something like a machine (router, firewall, or host, for example) or a capability (i.e., a web server).
Assets are tracked by shoki to help evaluate the criticality of some types of events. For example, an IIS exploit directed at an IIS server is probably more interesting than an IIS exploit directed at an apache server, which in turn is more interesting than the same exploit directed at a machine running no web server at all.
The process of identifying events from the captured data stream. In general, that means running lexer(1) against a dumpfile with a large set of signatures. This is the bulk of what most NIDS do---identify packets matching signatures.
Discrete information emitted by any of the categorisation widgets. In most cases, events will be individual log lines coming out of the lexer(1) widget. I.e., a timestamp, a signature name, and an IP quad.
Conceptually, think of events as defined tokens in the raw network data steam. The content of any given event is typically that data matching some clearly enunciated criteria has been observed. Most NIDS add the connotation that some higher-level condition has been satisfied (i.e., an exploit has been attempted). No such connotation is (by default) associated with events in shoki.
Compare `alert', above.
Used to refer both to the sensor(8) widget (which uses libpcap to capture network data and write it to a dumpfile) and to the machine on which the widget runs.
Unlike many other NIDS systems, the sensor does little or no actual categorisation or analysis of data---its purpose is to get packets off the wire and onto disk. From the sensor, data are collected by the aggregator, where categorisation and analysis occurs.
In shoki, known vulnerabilities are expressed as references to standard vulnerability databases (i.e, CVE or CAN numbers). Vulnerability references in events are correlated to vulnerability references in assets.
These references are associated with filter rules in shoki filter files In addition, vulnerability data can be associated with asset data by importing nessus reports (via the nessus2shoki script). Vulnerability data are used by shoki to help evaluate the criticality of certain sorts of events.

Appendix B: Topology

This is an overview of the basic topology of the shoki NIDS. It is indended to give the analyst an idea of how data is processed by shoki from the time it is pulled off the wire to when it shows up as an alert.


       sensor(8) -> raw pcap data -> lexer(1) -> pcap data


                               --> alerts --> shoki_sez(8) --> IM client
                          --> ooda(8) --> doctrine_filters
                          |                     |
        --> lexer(1) --> events <--             |
        |                         |             |
        -- pcap data --------> dlex(8) <---------

The Sensor

Flow of data on the sensor machine is straightforward:

The Aggregator and Database

Data flow through the aggregator machine and database are somewhat more complicated:

Appendix C: Internals

To be added Real Soon Now.

Appendix D: Threat Model

These are just some notes on the assumptions made in the shoki implementation. Eventually this should be converted into something a little more formal and complete.
Raw data is untrusted
By default, most shoki widgets will chroot(2) and setuid(2) to a nonprivileged luser before processing raw network data. This is done regardless of whether the data have been processed by one or more shoki widgets previously.
Config files are trusted
Config files are checked for syntactic correctness, but are not treated as potential attack vectors. The assumption is that if an evildoer can twiddle your NIDS config files, they can twiddle the raw data as well.
The /usr/local/shoki directory is assumed to not be public
It is assumed that the shoki user will have access to the directory where the binaries, config files, and data live but that this directory will not be world accessable.
In particular, it is assumed that things like predictable file names are safe (and so can, for example, be appended to without checking).
Encryption in transport is the responsibility of the application doing the transportation
The collector script relies on ssh(1) to encrypt the data being collected.
Widgets that are Postgres-aware will rely on the Postgres libraries to encrypt pgsql connections. In general, the pgsql-aware widgets actually connect to the database on a local UNIX socket by default, so this should only be a concern if you're running such widgets anywhere other than the database machine.
The shoki_sez(8) widget relies on the jabber protocol for encryption. Most distributions support TLS by default; this is assumed to be adequate. In other words, the encryption is intended to prevent unintentional disclosure of alert data to eavesdroppers.

Appendix E: Desiderata

This is intended to be a simple statement of the general design philosophy shoki is intended to embody.

It is worth noting that second and third desiderata exist in balance with each other; and the fourth and fifth, and sixth and seventh. All of these in turn are balanced against the first desideratum. Or that's the theory, at any rate.

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